Giving Gladly
It is important to donate; what you can, when you can, as often as you can.
It is a team effort.
Elected as team captain of this event I was a part of every facet of its planning. Every year from 2014 to 2019. From employee participation, advertising, marketing, T-shirt design, and of course snack time.
This event was about giving back, getting dirty, and having a great time doing it together.
Wellness with a hint of charity.
For three years, once a month I organized a plogging event for the Swan and Dolphin employees.
What is plogging? It is picking up litter while jogging! It is a great nationwide phenomenon that makes us and our world a little bit healthier every time.
Let’s make our community better.
It is not just about what I can create, it is about what we can do as a company.
Marriott is passionate about supporting local charities such as the Children’s Miracle Network. Being a part of this fun event that showcases our passion for our community as well as our passion for food was a fantastic experience.
Serving those who need it most.
As a hotel, the Swan and Dolphin donated over 300 hot meals to the coalition to the homeless once a year. I had the incredible opportunity to participate twice. Equipped with a hairnet and a smile I was able to help serve our community, which also included a hungry kitten.
Helping our students
The Swan and Dolphin had the opportunity to present two of its cast members with a life-changing scholarship.
The world is our community
After Maria tore through Puerto Rico, it was our responsibility to help where we could. In this image, we packed thousands of boxes of dried food reserves to be sent to Puerto Rico. I also donated 40 hours, the maximum allowed, of my PTO to our associates whose hotels closed down from the damage.
When I am not at work, social responsibility is still important to me.
Reaching out.
One food drive was not enough. On our own time, my husband and I went to the Orlando County Convention Center for four hours and filled as many boxes of food as we could.
The Wedding Dress
My wedding dress, veil, and belt came from Brides Against Breast Cancer. 100% of the proceeds went to families affected by breast cancer. The dress itself was donated to the organization, by the designer.
This is particularly special as my father had been suffering from pancreatic for years. This is the last picture we have of him standing. (2014 Wedding).
Over 6.625 gallons donated in Florida.
As a universal Donor, I donate blood as often as I am able. If a blood bus is at work I am there, if they call me I schedule an appointment. I also volunteered at the Rhode Island Blood center for over 40 hours, and of course, donated as much as possible while doing so.
Even in my work life…
I still work to rescue and care for animals. This little guy fell into a hot tub. I worked to find a place that could safely care for him, as we had seen him without his mother for 48 hours. He was transported to Disney’s wildlife hospital and now he is in wildlife rehab in Christmas Florida. He will make a full recovery and will be cared for until he is old enough for release.
Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.
My (2015) wedding had several items that were donated to charity. Yes, we did have penguins at our wedding.
We were married at the non-profit Florida Aquarium. A portion of my wedding went to the care of the animals within the facilities and wildlife conservation in Florida.
30+ hours donated as a tour guide and volunteer of Big Cat Rescue 2010-2011.
Financial donor when I could no longer volunteer.
Monthly Donation to Nature Conservancy, member since 2016.
Defenders of Wildlife Donor since 2010
400+ hours of time donated to the North East Animal Shelter in Massachusetts. 2002-2007.